Today, I had my first ripe tomato! Very exciting. Here’s a look at how things are moving along on The Veranda. Something is eating this basil plant. All the other basil plants are fine, so it’s a bit bizarre.
Life was a little too busy this year for me to get my crops for The Veranda started from seed. Instead I purchased my plants from The Brooklyn Botanic Garden May plant sale, Evolutionary Organics at the Grand Army Plaza Farmers’ Market, Pet-al Plants, and Oak Grove Plantation at the Union Square Farmers’ Market. Additionally, […]
Sooo, I’ve gone a little nuts on The Veranda this season. I’ve implemented some anti-squirrel tactics (read chicken-wire fortress), which is still in the works, but I’m feeling very hopeful that I WILL WIN this year. My mother was even kind enough to send me a bag of dog hair in the mail to place around the […]
Yesterday, I saw my first male flowers on my zucchini plants. Aren’t they just lovely? A close-up: This morning, I found THIS: So, it appears the squirrels know what’s up on The Veranda. I was fairly sure this would happen, but kept hoping they would stick to the flourishing community garden down below and leave my little patch […]
She’s back, folks! After a looong hiatus involving a new job, and an epic move to a new apartment, here I am again. I still have unpacking to do, even though I moved almost seven months ago, which is absurd and typical. I blame my compulsive need to spend countless hours on home-improvement projects. I have exceeded […]