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311 complaints – the city’s knight-in-shining-armor answer to the endless and often illegal problems suffered by the tenants of NYC at the hands of their landlords. How effective is a 311 complaint? In my experience – not at all. You can call or go online to make a non-emergency complaint to 311 for a number of […]
It’s rare to have such a perfect dining experience, where everything fits into place – the ambiance, the music, the service, the wine, and the food. It happened last night. It happened at Jules Bistro. Last night, as the village erupted with ghosts and goblins, we found a excellent refuge at Jules Bistro. Not that […]
This is a super simple and delicious (and healthy) meal with maximum presentation appeal (unless you find the sight of whole fish totally UNappealing, of course). This was my first attempt at cooking any sort of whole fish, and I must say I’m rather impressed with myself. These beauties were on sale from Fresh Direct, […]
Life was a little too busy this year for me to get my crops for The Veranda started from seed. Instead I purchased my plants from The Brooklyn Botanic Garden May plant sale, Evolutionary Organics at the Grand Army Plaza Farmers’ Market, Pet-al Plants, and Oak Grove Plantation at the Union Square Farmers’ Market. Additionally, […]
Things are proceeding well on The Veranda. Tomatoes are growing on every plant and there are herbs abound, but some have bolted (just how does one keep up with pruning oregano flowers). And while the squirrels are still a nuisance, I no longer live in fear of the imminent destruction of all my hard work. One thing […]
Sooo, I’ve gone a little nuts on The Veranda this season. I’ve implemented some anti-squirrel tactics (read chicken-wire fortress), which is still in the works, but I’m feeling very hopeful that I WILL WIN this year. My mother was even kind enough to send me a bag of dog hair in the mail to place around the […]
My apologies for the gratuitous photo here, but LOOK AT THAT DELICIOUSNESS! I finally decided to try the (relatively) new joint, Stocked at 635 Vanderbilt Avenue in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. They have a selection of sandwiches, salads, prepared foods, rotisserie chicken, among other things. From what I can tell, this place is extremely kid-friendly, […]
Remember that time when your bartender asked if he could floss his teeth? Sadly, I do. It was the only tainted drop in a bucket full of fun at Baby Grand Karaoke Bar the other night. That’s right – the otherwise charming and burly bartender proceeded to floss his teeth right there behind the bar. […]
A little bit about my lost battle with the demon squirrels of Brooklyn. First, here are some photos of the tomato devastation: There were MANY other half-eaten tomatoes just lying around here and there too, however, they were never left and forgotten. The squirrel ALWAYS came back and finished them. In this photo, you can see […]
The most successful vegetable plants from my garden on The Veranda were the shishito pepper plants. I always tried to pick them before they turned red and spicy, but even when I missed a few, they were not particularly hot or tough. To make this delicious and healthy snack, I just preheated a cast-iron skillet on medium-high heat, […]