Posts Tagged ‘ container ’

First Radish Harvest

May 16, 2022

Urban Jungle

August 5, 2015

Things are proceeding well on The Veranda.  Tomatoes are growing on every plant and there are herbs abound, but some have bolted (just how does one keep up with pruning oregano flowers).  And while the squirrels are still a nuisance, I no longer live in fear of the imminent destruction of all my hard work.  One thing […]

Better Luck Next Year!

October 8, 2014

A little bit about my lost battle with the demon squirrels of Brooklyn. First, here are some photos of the tomato devastation: There were MANY other half-eaten tomatoes just lying around here and there too, however, they were never left and forgotten.  The squirrel ALWAYS came back and finished them. In this photo, you can see […]

Blistered Shishito Peppers

August 15, 2014

The most successful vegetable plants from my garden on The Veranda were the shishito pepper plants.  I always tried to pick them before they turned red and spicy, but even when I missed a few, they were not particularly hot or tough. To make this delicious and healthy snack, I just preheated a cast-iron skillet on medium-high heat, […]


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