Monthly Archives: April 2012

James – Prospect Heights, Brooklyn

April 10, 2012

Went to James in Pro­spect Heights, Brook­lyn (605 Carlton Avenue) for brunch last Sun­day. Love this place! While it can get a lit­tle pricey for di­nn­er, brunch is very rea­son­able. They also just star­ted serv­ing lunch from 11:30 AM – 3 PM Tues­day through Friday, which I look for­ward to try­ing. Some other great […]

Herb Marinated Pork Tenderloin and Brussels Sprouts Slaw

April 9, 2012

Pork ten­derloin is one of the most de­lici­ous and eas­iest and meats to cook. There are cer­tain­ly more in­vol­ved and de­cadent re­cipes out there, but this time I wan­ted to try some­th­ing healthy and sim­ple. I found this re­cipe for Herb Marinated Pork Ten­derloin from Ina Gart­en on the Food Net­work web­site and […]


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